Our founding

Founded by former DC nonprofit executive directors, Access Coaching Collective began as a pilot program in 2022 with initial seed funding from The Equity Lab. After a successful pilot, where 100% of participants agreed that the coaching engagement was a positive experience and would recommend it to their peers, ACC expanded in order to address current gaps with leadership development support across our city and region.

ACC Coaches

All ACC coaches are trained, professional coaches with a strong equity lens; a creative and client-driven approach; and a belief in people’s capacity to generate the solutions to their own challenges. ACC coaches have all received professional coach training and follow the International Coaching Federation coaching guidelines and competencies. Coaches have experience as social impact leaders, school principals, nonprofit executive directors, HR and talent development roles, equity leaders, and more.

Meet some of our amazing coaches:

  • Jay Benedith, Ed.D.


    Jay is a progressive educator and a passionate equity leader! She earned her doctorate in education from the University of Wisconsin— Stevens Point and is an ICF-certified coach. Her coaching expertise is in helping clients manage their mindsets to achieve their goals, and her approach is grounded in her experiences as an educator, a career coach, a talent development specialist and a mindfulness practitioner. Currently, Jay is the Director of Alumni and Network Engagement at Teach For America DC. Originally from New York City, she currently resides in Washington, DC, and in her leisure time, she meditates, hikes, and travels!

  • Dimple Dhabalia

    Dimple Dhabalia, JD


    Dimple is a coach, facilitator, storyteller, and leader of leaders. With more than 20 years of global public service experience, she creates brave spaces for emerging and seasoned leaders to break old patterns of conditioned reactions; address and heal long-standing systemic issues; and ultimately enhance equity, connection, belonging, and well-being at the individual and organizational level. Dimple is an ICF coach, certified in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP), a certified Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness, and Knowledge (mPEAK) facilitator. She has a JD from the University of Denver, College of Law, and a BA in Institutions and Policies from William Jewell College and Oxford University.

  • Michelle Edwards, Ed.D.


    To be seen, heard, known, and trusted is the greatest gift of coaching. Dr. Michelle Edwards has always believed in the importance of personal growth and development and has personally witnessed and experienced the impact of coaching. She is a trained coach, the former Executive Director at Live It Learn It, former principal of Orr Elementary, and serves on various nonprofit boards. Michelle was educated in Chicago Public Schools, received a B.S. in elementary education from Northern Illinois Univ., Master’s degrees from Loyola and Trinity Universities, a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the Univ. of Pennsylvania and a certificate in nonprofit management from Georgetown University.

  • Carlon Howard


    Carlon is a leadership and performance coach who serves purpose-driven individuals committed to maximizing their potential and defining success on their own terms. He helps leaders gain greater clarity on what they want out of life and lead from a place of authenticity. His coach training is through the ACT program at Brown University. Carlon also serves as the Chief Impact Officer and Co-Founder of Equity Institute and co-founded re*generation, which hosts meetups to support education leaders from underrepresented backgrounds. Prior experience includes leading Breakthrough Providence, and working at City Year, as a classroom teacher, and policy fellow for a Colorado Senator.

  • Jillian Hubbard


    Jillian is a leadership coach specializing in organization and talent development, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Her coaching philosophy is built on the belief that everyone has all that they need to achieve their wildest ambitions. Jillian utilizes intuitive listening, somatic practices, shadow work, visualizations, IFS, and other modalities to help clients see the world through multiple lenses, expand their choices, and more deeply access their power. Jillian is a certified life coach through the Integrative Wellness Academy. She holds an M.S. in Organization Development from American University and a B.A. in Multicultural Studies: Conflict and Cooperation from The George Washington University.

  • Lourdes Laguna


    Lourdes is a certified leadership coach and nonprofit senior-level executive with a MS in Public Policy + Management from Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College. She brings 15+ years of experience in educational leadership, including in consulting, nonprofit, partnerships and talent management. She approaches leadership development with a mission-first, human-always approach. While the ultimate goal is to empower leaders to identify and leverage the strengths and tools they have and need to succeed, her coaching style also embodies elements of authenticity, vulnerability and curiosity. Her coaching approach allows for deep partnership in moving towards results and journeying through the growth.

  • Adam Levner

    Co-Founder and Coach

    For 25 years, Adam has developed the leadership of youth and adults, focusing on racial and educational equity. Adam was a teacher and community organizer and then co-founded Critical Exposure, a youth-serving social justice nonprofit in DC, which he ran for 17 years. Now Adam is a coach because he wants to be the resource he needed as a leader. Adam received his coach training through the ACT program at Brown University and follows the Co-Active Coaching model, a client-led approach that uses intense listening, powerful questions, and the skills and creativity people already possess to help them be effective, authentic leaders.

  • Eloise Russo, MBA

    Co-Founder and Coach

    Eloise is a strengths based coach, drawing upon her training in positive psychology and the art of thriving, resiliency, and the causes of happiness and success. Prior to becoming a coach, Eloise ran a youth development nonprofit for a decade, City Kids Wilderness Project, and as Executive Director more than tripled revenue and built out programs receiving national acclaim. She has an MBA from Boston University, a BA in Peace & Justice Studies from Tufts University, and is a DCPS graduate. Eloise is trained in negotiation and mediation through the Harvard Program on Negotiation, was a Seeding Disruption racial equity fellow, and is a restorative yoga teacher.

  • Andre Samuels, MBA


    Andre Samuels is an executive coach with certifications in Executive Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University’s Center for Transformational Leadership, and in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University. Andre received the David Rubinstein Award for Highly Effective Leadership from DC Public Schools in 2013. Andre holds a BA in Human Communication Studies and two master’s degrees in Educational Administration and Policy and Special Education from Howard University. In 2014 he earned an MBA in Leadership from Georgetown University. Currently, Andre is a doctoral student at The University of Pennsylvania.

  • Monica Taylor Image

    Monica Taylor, M.Ed.


    Monica is an ICF Certified Executive Coach whose mission is to develop and expand the capacity of leaders to positively impact schools, organizations, and society. Her years as a high school English teacher, assistant principal, principal, nonprofit and state-level leader, helped to mold her perception about the powerful influence that effective leaders have in shaping the worlds of those they lead. Monica holds an Executive Certificate in Organizational Consulting and Change Leadership from Georgetown University, an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Administration from Regent University, and a Certification in Workplace Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

  • Laura Yee, Ph.D


    As a certified leadership coach, Dr. Laura's mission is to empower leaders to create equitable, inspiring environments where each person thrives and serves their organization with passion. Clients say that the most valuable outcome of coaching with Dr. Laura is gaining clarity about their core beliefs and values as well as how to lead most effectively in alignment with them. Through coaching and consulting, Dr. Laura has supported a wide range of clients including executives, new leaders, high potentials, executive teams and non-profit organizations – all centered around a philosophy of equity, justice, belonging and human-centered leadership.

Join the team

Are you a coach interested in joining our team? We invite you to complete an application. Thanks for your interest!

"This opportunity was more impactful than other professional development opportunities because it was personalized to my specific areas of interest and inquiry.”

-ACC Coaching Client